Friday, March 31, 2017

ADAMS: Part 2 Landscapes

Materials Used: Water mixable oil paints.

I'm really happy with the way this turned out. Although, I will say the tree needs some more work. Other than that, I think it turned out good.


  1. Great Job! The only thing I would suggest is to put more highlights into the clouds. Other than that, it looks fantastic.

  2. This painting is great! The colors you used for this painting are perfect and the detail in the water and plants are perfect, great job!

  3. This painting is really nice. I like how you made the trees so curly and whimsical. The sand is also a really nice mix of colors. It looks like what sand actually looks like. The tree is a bit awkward. The green aura around it is odd. I agree that the tree could use more work. Keep up the great work!

  4. This is so pretty! I love the colors. I also like the clouds.

  5. Wow this yearned out very nice. The beach is a great landscape choice. I like the ocean detail and the clouds. It looks realtisetic and you can tell this took effort nice job.

  6. this is great! i love how you did all of the details!

  7. I loved the way you mixed in the white with the water to make the waves. The tree does need some work, but it is well done.

  8. Wow...I love the Clouds!! How did you come up with just outlining the top and just letting your eye finish the rest of the cloud!
